Introduction to Python’s atexit Module

Python’s atexit module is a powerful tool that allows programmers to register functions that will be called when a program is about to exit. This can be particularly useful for cleaning up resources or saving state before your program ends.

How to Use the atexit Module

To use the atexit module, you first need to import it into your Python script. You can then use the atexit.register() function to register a function that will be called when your program exits.

import atexit
def cleanup():
    print('Cleaning up...')

The functions are called in the reverse order in which they were registered. For example, if you register functions A, B, and C, they will be called in the order C, B, A.

Benefits and Use Cases of the atexit Module

The atexit module is incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of situations. For instance, it can be used to ensure that a program cleans up any temporary files it created, even if it crashes or is otherwise terminated unexpectedly. It can also be used to save a program’s state, so that it can be resumed from where it left off.


In conclusion, Python’s atexit module is a powerful and versatile tool that can be used to ensure that your program cleans up after itself and saves its state before exiting. By understanding how to use this module effectively, you can write more robust and reliable Python scripts.

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