Introduction to Python’s struct Module

Python’s struct module is a powerful tool that provides pack() and unpack() functions for working with variable-length binary record formats. These functions allow developers to convert between strings of bytes and native Python data types, making it easier to handle binary data in Python programs.

Understanding the struct Module

The struct module’s pack() function takes a format string and one or more arguments, and returns a bytes object. The unpack() function, on the other hand, takes a format string and a bytes object and returns a tuple. The format string is a sequence of format codes that dictate the layout of the data.

Using the struct Module

import struct
# pack values into a bytes object
packed_data = struct.pack('i2sf', 6, 'foo', 2.7)
# unpack values from a bytes object
unpacked_data = struct.unpack('i2sf', packed_data)

This code example demonstrates how to use the pack() and unpack() functions to convert between strings of bytes and native Python data types. The ‚i2sf‘ format string in this example specifies that the data should be packed as an integer, two strings, and a float.

Benefits of Using the struct Module

The struct module provides a way to handle binary data in Python, which is crucial when working with files, network connections, and other sources of binary data. It allows developers to convert binary data into Python data types and vice versa, making it easier to manipulate and process binary data.


In conclusion, Python’s struct module is a powerful tool for handling binary data. Its pack() and unpack() functions provide a way to convert between strings of bytes and native Python data types, making it easier to work with binary data in Python programs. Whether you’re working with files, network connections, or other sources of binary data, the struct module can be a valuable addition to your Python toolkit.

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