
Python is a versatile language that offers various built-in modules and functions to handle files and directories. One such function is os.path.getctime. This function is part of the os module and is used to get the creation time of a file or directory.

Understanding os.path.getctime Function

The os.path.getctime function returns the system’s ctime which, on some systems like Unix, is the creation time for the path. The return value is a number giving the number of seconds since the epoch (see the time module). It raises a FileNotFoundError if the file does not exist or is inaccessible.

import os

Advantages of Using os.path.getctime

Using os.path.getctime function has several advantages. It allows you to retrieve the creation time of a file or directory, which can be useful in many scenarios like sorting files by creation date, tracking file usage, etc. It also provides a simple and efficient way to handle files and directories in Python.


In conclusion, Python’s os.path.getctime function is a powerful tool for handling files and directories. It provides a simple and efficient way to get the creation time of a file or directory. However, it’s important to handle exceptions properly as it raises a FileNotFoundError if the file does not exist or is inaccessible.

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