Introduction to Python’s Logging Module

Python’s logging module is a powerful tool for tracking events in your applications and libraries. Unlike print statements, which are only useful for simple debugging, the logging module provides a robust and scalable way to log messages that describe the execution of your program.

Advantages of Using Python’s Logging Module

The logging module offers several advantages over traditional print statements. It allows you to set the level of logging, and choose where to output the logs, such as a file. This makes it a versatile tool for not only debugging but also for keeping track of important events during your program’s execution.

How to Use Python’s Logging Module

Using the logging module is straightforward. Here is a basic example:

import logging
logging.debug('This is a debug message')

This code will output a debug message to the console. You can also log messages to a file by specifying a filename in the basicConfig method:

logging.basicConfig(filename='app.log', level=logging.DEBUG)
logging.debug('This message will go to the log file')


Python’s logging module is a powerful and flexible tool that goes beyond simple print statements. It allows you to track events in your applications and libraries, making it an essential tool for any serious Python programmer. By mastering the logging module, you can greatly improve the debuggability and maintainability of your Python programs.

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