Introduction to Python’s itertools.tee

Python’s itertools.tee function is a powerful tool that allows you to create any number of independent iterators from a single iterable. This can be particularly useful in situations where you need to iterate over the same sequence multiple times, but don’t want to create multiple copies of the sequence in memory.

Understanding itertools.tee

The itertools.tee function is part of Python’s itertools module, which is a collection of tools for handling iterators. The tee function takes two arguments: the iterable to be copied, and the number of copies to be made. It returns a tuple of iterators, each of which can be used independently of the others.

Code Example

import itertools

# Create an iterable
iterable = range(10)

# Create two independent iterators from the iterable
iterator1, iterator2 = itertools.tee(iterable, 2)

# Use the iterators independently
for value in iterator1:
for value in iterator2:

Advantages of Using itertools.tee

One of the main advantages of using itertools.tee is that it allows you to iterate over the same sequence multiple times without creating multiple copies of the sequence in memory. This can be particularly useful in situations where you are working with large data sets and want to minimize memory usage. Additionally, because the iterators created by itertools.tee are independent of each other, you can iterate over them in different ways, or at different times, without affecting each other.


In conclusion, Python’s itertools.tee function is a powerful tool for creating multiple independent iterators from a single iterable. It allows you to iterate over the same sequence multiple times without creating multiple copies of the sequence in memory, making it a valuable tool for efficient memory usage. Whether you’re working with large data sets or simply want to streamline your code, itertools.tee is a function worth understanding and utilizing.

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