Introduction to Python’s itertools.cycle

In this post, we’ll explore Python’s itertools.cycle function. This function is a part of Python’s itertools module, a collection of tools for handling iterators. Iterators are data types that can be used in a for loop, the most common being lists and dictionaries.

Understanding itertools.cycle

The itertools.cycle function returns an infinite iterator that produces elements from the iterable inputs over and over again. It’s useful when you want to repeat a sequence indefinitely. For instance, it can be used to cycle through a list of colors for a plot, or to create a repeating sequence of actions in a game.

import itertools
colors = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet']
cycle_colors = itertools.cycle(colors)
for i in range(10):

Remember, since the cycle function creates an infinite iterator, you need to have a break condition in your loop to prevent it from running forever.

Benefits of Using itertools.cycle

One of the main benefits of using itertools.cycle is that it allows you to create an infinite iterator without having to store all the elements in memory. This can be particularly useful when working with large data sets. Additionally, it can help to make your code cleaner and more readable by abstracting away the details of creating the repeating sequence.


In conclusion, Python’s itertools.cycle function is a powerful tool for creating infinite iterators. It can be particularly useful when you need to repeat a sequence indefinitely, and can help to make your code more efficient and readable. However, remember to always include a break condition in your loop to prevent it from running forever.

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