Introduction to Python’s Decimal Module

Python’s decimal module provides support for fast correctly rounded decimal floating point arithmetic. It offers several benefits over the float datatype. The decimal module provides for a fast correctly rounded decimal floating point arithmetic which avoids issues that can arise when using float datatype.

Understanding the Decimal Module

The decimal module in Python is a high-level module that provides a comprehensive set of tools for performing arithmetic with decimal numbers. Unlike the built-in float datatype, the decimal module handles decimal numbers exactly. This has the benefit of avoiding the approximation errors that can occur when using floating point arithmetic.

Advantages of Using the Decimal Module

The decimal module’s most significant advantage is its ability to perform precise arithmetic operations. This is particularly useful in financial and monetary calculations where precision is crucial. Furthermore, the decimal module can handle very large and very small numbers more effectively than the float datatype.

Working with the Decimal Module

Here is a basic example of how to use the decimal module:

import decimal
x = decimal.Decimal(5)
y = decimal.Decimal(2)
print(x + y)

The output will be ‚7‘ as the decimal module performs exact arithmetic.


In conclusion, Python’s decimal module is a powerful tool for performing precise arithmetic operations, particularly in applications where precision is critical. Its ability to handle large and small numbers effectively and its provision for exact arithmetic make it a superior choice over the float datatype in many scenarios.

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