Introduction to Python Decorators

Decorators are a significant part of Python programming. They are a powerful tool that allows us to wrap another function in order to extend the behavior of the wrapped function, without permanently modifying it. This feature provides a simple syntax for calling higher-order functions.

How Decorators Work

A decorator in Python is a function that takes another function as its argument, and extends the behavior of this given function without explicitly modifying it. This is achieved by wrapping the function, which means that the decorator function is called with the original function as its argument.

def my_decorator(func):    def wrapper():        print('Something is happening before the original function is called.')        func()        print('Something is happening after the original function is called.')    return wrapper

In the above code, ‚my_decorator‘ is a decorator function that takes an original function (in this case ‚func‘), extends its behavior by printing additional text, and returns the new function.

Applying Decorators

We can apply this decorator to our function using the ‚@‘ symbol. For example:

@my_decoratordef greet():    print('Hello, World!')

Now, when we call ‚greet‘, it has enhanced functionality thanks to our decorator. The ‚@‘ symbol is just syntactic sugar for ‚greet = my_decorator(greet)‘.

Benefits of Using Decorators

Decorators provide a flexible way to enhance the functionality of our functions and methods in a clean and readable manner. They are commonly used for logging, enforcing access control and authentication, rate-limiting, caching and more.


In conclusion, decorators are a powerful feature in Python that allow us to wrap a function to extend its behavior without permanently modifying it. They provide a clean and elegant way to enhance our code, making it more readable and maintainable.

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