Introduction to API Versioning

API versioning is a critical aspect of API development and maintenance. It allows developers to introduce new features and make changes to their APIs without breaking existing clients. This is achieved by maintaining backward compatibility, which ensures that older versions of the API continue to function as expected even as new versions are rolled out.

API Versioning in .NET

In .NET, API versioning can be implemented using the ‚Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning‘ package. This package provides several methods for versioning APIs, including Query string, URL path, HTTP header, and media type.

Implementing API Versioning Using the URL Path Method

// Code example here

This code example demonstrates how to implement API versioning using the URL path method. The version number is included in the URL, allowing clients to specify the version of the API they wish to use.

Benefits of API Versioning

API versioning offers several benefits. It allows developers to make changes to their APIs without disrupting existing clients. It also makes it easier to deprecate older versions of the API, as clients can be gradually migrated to newer versions. Furthermore, it provides a clear and consistent way for clients to specify the version of the API they wish to use.


In conclusion, API versioning is a crucial aspect of API development and maintenance. It provides a way to introduce new features and make changes to APIs without breaking existing clients. In .NET, this can be achieved using the ‚Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning‘ package, which offers several methods for versioning APIs.

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