Introduction to Python’s functools.partial

In this blog post, we will delve into the world of Python’s functools.partial. This is a function that allows us to fix a certain number of arguments of a function and generate a new function. This is particularly useful when we want to manipulate function arguments for a specific use case.

Understanding functools.partial

The functools.partial function takes in a function as the first argument and the rest arguments are the fixed arguments used for creating the new function. This can be better understood with the help of a code example.

from functools import partial

def multiply(x,y):
    return x * y

# Create a new function that multiplies by 2
dbl = partial(multiply,2)

In the above code, we have a function called ‚multiply‘ that takes two arguments, ‚x‘ and ‚y‘, and returns their product. We then use ‚functools.partial‘ to create a new function ‚dbl‘ that multiplies its single argument by 2.

Advantages of Using functools.partial

One of the main advantages of using functools.partial is that it allows for greater code reusability and cleanliness. By fixing certain arguments of a function, we can create specialized functions without having to rewrite or duplicate code. This is particularly useful in scenarios where we need to use a function with slightly different arguments multiple times.


In conclusion, Python’s functools.partial is a powerful tool that allows for greater code reusability and cleanliness. By understanding how to use it effectively, we can write more efficient and cleaner code. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Python programmer, understanding functools.partial can greatly enhance your coding skills.

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